The Haikou serie : Haikou's life.



Haikou's life.

I'll post here a melting pot of my memories and surely memories of others if they lived in Haikou. Just to introduce the place, it is a Island, in the south of China. It is widely consider by mainland Chinese as the leisure (and slow) place. From my point of view, it is an ever changing city. It grew so much in the last years, that I already noticed disapearance of various local customs. I will try to take photographs of every day life. Like a documentary, just how things go in here.

I think it is an interesting work to start as China is at a middle point between its tradition with the grand parent generation, the 70's tradition with the parents and the american way of life (or almost) with the youth. The city is designed by architect and government will but it is shaped by the people living in. Let's not only honor the builder, but the shaper too.


nao tofu haikou A walk in the old town of Haikou, during mornings you still can see those tofu sellers. It seems that they were more important few years ago, who will take the business after then ?


electric bike haikou If you were in China, impossible to miss the electric bikes. They are litteraly everywhere. Saving time and way more convenient than bikes because of the heat. In these little streets where cars can adventure you will often be able to take this kind of shot. Notice that the umbrella is not to protect against the rain, but the sun. I quite enjoy seeing grandpas and grandmas going to the market with it.


kids playing video game in the shade haikou If you expected seeing kids playing everywhere, you will be disappointed. Most of them are on tablet or mobile phone, way more that what I saw back in France. Everybody is connected and playing online games. A truelly amazing sub culture exists in China. We could discuss hours about the online friends phenomenon but that isn't my topic here.


hainan lifestyle Flip flaps, tea and cigarettes, this is what will strikes you when you hang out with locals. (even in winter). I think that this shot resume a whole side of Haikou's life. That's why I posted it here.


new old town haikou The old town of Haikou is lately beeing rehabilitated. This street is cut from the traffic, you can find some coffee and art exposition along with art shop and industrial protection gear. This is one of the sculpture you will find there.


breakfast in haikou Grandmas taking breakfast. A famous meal to take in the morning (hainanese noddles) with a quite typical view of locals during the morning. Next time, I will try to take some of their tea place (lao ba cha).


old house on the top of building haikou On a top of a building, I found this little house. The whole center is going to be modified, who know how long we can style see those little peace area covering aging building?


clothes drying haikou That is one of the interesting things I noticed in Haikou, the juxtaposition of big city buildings and countryside customs. I guess that in few years people will just use drying machine and all the clothes won't hang outside anymore.


noodle in Haikou A typical meal that you will taste in Haikou. Please notice the table too, as you will find the same in countless places.







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